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Functional Indications:
For the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women, it can significantly reduce the incidence of vertebral fractures, but the reduction in the incidence of hip fractures has not been confirmed. When deciding to use this product or other treatments (including estrogen) in postmenopausal women, consideration should be given to menopausal symptoms, effects on uterine and breast tissue, and the risk and benefits of cardiovascular events.
Raloxifene Hydrochloride Tablets: 1. The recommended dose is 60 mg orally once a day. Can be taken at any time of the day without meal restrictions. 2. The elderly do not need to adjust the dosage. 3. Due to the natural course of the disease, raloxifene needs to be used for a long time. 4. It is usually recommended that women whose dietary calcium intake is insufficient take calcium supplements and vitamin D. 5. Or follow the doctor’s advice.
Adverse reactions:
All adverse effects were recorded during treatment periods of 6 to 60 months among 13,000 postmenopausal women participating in the Osteoporosis Treatment and Prevention Study. Most adverse reactions usually do not require discontinuation of treatment. (see instructions for details)
Medication contraindications:
It is prohibited for the following patients: 1. Women who may be pregnant. 2. Those who have or have had venous thromboembolic disease (VTE), including deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and retinal vein thrombosis. 3. For raloxifene or any other

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