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Effects and efficacy:
Used as a remedial measure to prevent unwanted pregnancy within 72 hours after unprotected sex (without any contraceptive measures) or after contraceptive failure (such as condom breakage or slippage, failure of ejaculation outside the body, miscalculation of the safe period, etc.). Mifepristone tablets can be used in combination with prostaglandins to terminate pregnancy within 49 days of amenorrhea. The Guidelines for the Use of Mifepristone and Misoprostol to Terminate 8-16 Week Pregnancy (2015 Edition) issued by the Family Planning Branch of the Chinese Medical Association states that mifepristone combined with misoprostol can be used to terminate 8-16 week pregnancies. Preoperative treatment of uterine fibroids.
Usage and Dosage:
For emergency contraception within 72 hours after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure, take 10 mg orally on an empty stomach or 2 hours after eating, and fast for 2 hours after taking the medicine. For termination of pregnancy within 49 days of amenorrhea, take 25-50mg mifepristone tablets orally on an empty stomach or 2 hours after eating, twice a day for 2-3 consecutive days, totaling 150mg; fast for 2 hours after each dose; take 600μg misoprostol orally in the morning of the 3rd to 4th day or place a carboprost methyl ester suppository (1mg) in the posterior vaginal fornix. Please take it correctly as directed by the doctor. For termination of pregnancy of 8-16 weeks, take it all at once: 200mg mifepristone, orally at one time. Take it in divided doses: 100mg mifepristone, orally once a day for 2 consecutive days, totaling 200mg. For those who take mifepristone for the first time, take misoprostol after an interval of 36-48h. Please use the medicine correctly under the guidance of a doctor. For preoperative treatment of uterine fibroids, take it orally once a day, 10mg each time, starting from the 1st to 3rd day of menstruation, take it on an empty stomach or 2 hours after eating, fast for 2 hours after taking the medicine, and take it for 3 months as a course of treatment (should not exceed 3 months). Please strictly follow the doctor’s prescription and drug instructions.
Drug contraindications:
This product is contraindicated if you are allergic to it or have liver or kidney dysfunction
Related dosage forms:
Tablets, capsules
