Adults with type 2 diabetes when diet, exercise, and weight loss alone are insufficient to control blood sugar levels. In some elderly people with type 2 diabetes, combined use of this class of drugs can increase insulin utilization.
Gliclazide is taken orally. Follow your doctor’s advice for regular-release dosage forms. The usual starting dose is 40-80 mg once or twice a day, which can be taken with breakfast. In the future, the dosage will be adjusted to 80-240 mg per day according to blood sugar and urine sugar levels. If the daily dose exceeds 160 mg, it needs to be administered in two doses, taken before breakfast and dinner. The maximum dose should not exceed 320mg per day. Discount for elderly patients. The sustained-release dosage form is available once daily, with a dose of 30-120 mg. It is recommended to take it with breakfast. The first recommended dose is 30mg daily. If blood sugar levels are satisfactory, this dose can be used for maintenance treatment. If blood sugar levels are not good, the dose can be gradually increased to 60, 90 or 120 mg daily, with intervals of at least 1 month between each increment, except when blood sugar does not decrease after 2 weeks of treatment. In this case, it may be recommended to increase the dose after two weeks of treatment. The maximum recommended dose must not exceed 120mg daily. According to foreign literature reports: Use gliclazide sustained-release tablets/capsules 30 mg instead of gliclazide sustained-release tablets/capsules 80 mg: gliclazide sustained-release tablets/capsules 80 mg are equivalent to gliclazide sustained-release tablets/capsules 30 mg. When substituted, blood glucose monitoring must be provided. Use gliclazide extended-release tablets/capsules instead of other oral hypoglycemic drugs: Gliclazide tablets/capsules can replace other oral diabetes drugs. In this case, the dose and half-life of the previously used hypoglycemic agent must be considered. Generally, there is no need for a transition period when switching to gliclazide sustained-release tablets/capsules, and it is better to start with a dose of 30 mg. Then adjust according to the patient’s blood sugar situation as mentioned above. If a patient is switched from a sulfonylurea with a long half-life to gliclazide extended-release tablets/capsules, a therapeutic window of several days may prove necessary to avoid additive effects of the two drugs and subsequent risk of hypoglycemia. of. When switching to this drug, it is recommended to follow the steps mentioned above for first-time treatment with gliclazide extended-release tablets/capsules, that is, the first treatment dose is 30 mg per day, and then gradually increase according to the metabolism. Patients who cannot be adequately controlled by gliclazide extended-release tablets/capsules should be combined with insulin therapy at the initial stage of treatment under close medical monitoring. For patients with mild or moderate renal impairment: Treatment is the same as for patients with normal renal function, but careful monitoring is required. These data have been confirmed by clinical experiments. For patients at high risk of hypoglycemia: nutritional deficiencies or malnutrition states. Severe or poorly compensated endocrine disorders (anterior pituitary insufficiency, hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency). Discontinue long-term and/or high-dose corticosteroid therapy. For severe vascular diseases (severe coronary heart disease, severely damaged carotid arteries, diffuse vasculopathy), it is recommended to start treatment with a minimum dose of 30 mg/day. Or as directed by your doctor.
Drug contraindications:
Contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation, and liver and kidney dysfunction.
Related dosage forms:
Gliclazide tablets, Gliclazide tablets (II), Gliclazide sustained-release tablets, Gliclazide capsules, Gliclazide sustained-release capsules
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