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Fluorouracil Injection.

Effects and efficacy: This product is used for breast cancer, digestive tract cancer (including primary and metastatic liver cancer, biliary system cancer and pancreatic cancer), and ovarian cancer. It is the main chemotherapy drug for the treatment of malignant hydatidiform mole and choriocarcinoma. It is used for intracavitary chemotherapy of serous cavity cancer effusion and bladder cancer. Local treatment, such as intratumoral injection, its soft fertilization is used for skin cancer and chest wall metastasis of breast cancer. Usage and dosage: The dosage of fluorouracil for intravenous injection or intravenous drip varies greatly. The single intravenous injection dose is generally 10-20 mg/kg per day based on body weight, used for 5-10 days, and 5-7g (even 10g) per course of treatment. If it is intravenous drip, it is usually 300-500mg/m2 per day based on body surface area, used for 3-5 days, and the intravenous drip time each time shall not be less than 6-8 hours; during intravenous drip, an infusion pump can be used to continuously administer the drug for 24 hours. For primary or metastatic liver cancer, arterial catheterization is often used for injection. Intraperitoneal injection, 500-600 mg/m2 per body surface area. Once a week, 2-4 times for a course of treatment. If the same drug produced by different manufacturers has inconsistent instructions, please consult a doctor or pharmacist in time.
Adverse reactions:
Adverse reactions of this product include nausea, loss of appetite or vomiting. The general dosage is not serious. Occasionally, oral mucosal inflammation or ulcers, abdominal discomfort or diarrhea are seen. Peripheral blood leukopenia is common (mostly reaching the lowest point within 2-3 weeks after the start of the course of treatment, and returning to normal after about 3-4 weeks), thrombocytopenia is rare. Cough, shortness of breath or cerebellar ataxia are rare. Long-term use can lead to neurological toxicity. Occasionally, myocardial ischemia after medication may occur, and angina and electrocardiogram changes may occur. If cardiovascular adverse reactions (arrhythmia, angina, ST segment changes) are confirmed, discontinue use.
Drug contraindications:
Allergic to this product is prohibited. It is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation. It should be used with caution in patients with hepatic and renal insufficiency.
