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Eltrombopag Olamine Tablets ;

Effects and efficacy:
Mainly used to treat chronic immune (idiopathic) thrombocytopenia (≥12 years old) that has poor response to treatment with glucocorticoids, immunoglobulins, etc., or recurrence after splenectomy.
Usage and dosage:
Dosage: Oral medication, do not chew or crush the medicine, do not mix it with food or liquid, this product should be taken on an empty stomach (at least 1 hour before or at least 2 hours after a meal). If the food contains antacids, dairy products, or supplements containing iron, calcium, magnesium, aluminum, selenium and zinc, the medication time should generally be controlled to at least 2 hours before or at least 4 hours after a meal. Dosage: The recommended starting dose for adults is 25 mg, and the dose is increased by 25 mg each time. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 75 mg, and it should be used once a day. During the medication, it is necessary to monitor the platelet count once a week, evaluate the treatment effect after 2 weeks, and consider whether further dose adjustment is needed. Please follow the doctor’s advice for details. Use in special populations: Patients with renal impairment: Generally, the dosage does not need to be adjusted, but due to limited experience in using this product to treat renal impairment, patients with renal impairment should use it with caution and closely monitor renal function indicators. Please follow the doctor’s advice for details. Patients with liver damage: This product is hepatotoxic and should be used with caution in patients with liver damage; if it must be used, it should be treated under the guidance of a doctor and liver function indicators should be closely monitored. In addition, children, adolescents, the elderly, pregnant and lactating women, and people at risk of thromboembolism should use it with caution under the guidance of a doctor, and adjust the dosage in time if necessary.
Adverse reactions:
The most serious adverse reactions: hepatotoxicity and thrombosis, patients may show symptoms such as yellowing of the eyes or skin, mental confusion, sudden incoordination of limbs and slurred speech. Common adverse reactions: including headache, loss of appetite, insomnia, nausea, cough, dry eyes, cataracts, diarrhea, hair loss, itchy skin, muscle pain, fever, fatigue, weakness, chills, edema of the limbs, abnormal liver function, menorrhagia, paresthesia, etc. Uncommon adverse reactions: including pharyngitis, anemia, gout, depression, insensitivity, blurred vision, dizziness, tachycardia, dry mouth, sweating, renal failure, etc. Not all side effects will occur, but if they do, please consult a doctor immediately.
Drug contraindications:
Allergic to this product is prohibited. Use with caution during pregnancy. Use with caution during lactation. Use with caution in patients with liver and kidney dysfunction.
