Effects and efficacy:
Primary skin infections such as impetigo, furuncle, folliculitis, and secondary skin infections such as eczema combined infection, ulcer combined infection, and trauma combined infection.
Usage and dosage:
Mupirocin ointment should be used externally and applied topically to the affected area. If necessary, the affected area can be bandaged or covered with auxiliary materials. Please wash your hands before and after use. 3 times a day, 5 days a course of treatment, and a course can be repeated if necessary.
Adverse reactions:
Topical application of this product generally has fewer adverse reactions. Common adverse reactions are local burning sensation, occasional itching, erythema, stinging or dryness, etc., and generally do not require discontinuation of the drug. Please read the drug instructions carefully for other adverse reactions.
Drug contraindications:
Prohibited during pregnancy, prohibited for allergic reaction to this product, and used with caution during lactation
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